Цены на услуги перевода в Москве - Бюро переводов


  • Written translation
  • Oral translation
  • Add. services


Translation of personal documents
(passports, diplomas, general education certificates, certificates, extracts etc.)

Legal, financial, medical and other specialized translation

POPULAR LANGUAGES from / to from / to
English 350 / 360 руб. 385 / 425руб.
Spanish 350 / 360 руб. 385 / 425 руб.
Italian 350 / 360 руб. 385 / 425 руб.
Deutsch 350 / 360 руб. 385 / 425 руб.
French 350 / 360 руб. 385 / 425 руб.
EUROPEAN LANGUAGES from / to from / to
English 350 / 360 руб. 385 / 425руб.
Bulgarian 440 / 480 руб. 480 / 410 руб.
Hungarian 560 / 610 руб. 600 / 680 руб.
Dutch 640 / 710 руб. 680 / 740 руб.
Greek 560 / 910 руб. 660 / 710 руб.
Icelandic 840 / 910 руб. 900 / 980 руб.
Spanish 350 / 360 руб. 385 / 425 руб.
Italian 350 / 360 руб. 385 / 425 руб.
Catalan 840 / 910 руб. 900 / 1000 руб.
Latin 840 / 910 руб. 900 / 980 руб.
Latvian 520 / 560 руб. 560 / 640 руб.
Lithuanian 520 / 560 руб. 560 / 640 руб.
Macedonian 840 / 910 руб. 900 / 980 руб.
Moldavian 520 / 560 руб. 560 / 640 руб.
Deutsch 350 / 360 руб. 385 / 425 руб.
Polish 440 / 480 руб. 480 / 510 руб.
Portuguese 640 / 710 руб. 680 / 740 руб.
Romanian 560 / 640 руб. 660 / 710 руб.
Serbian, Croatian 570 / 660 руб. 660 / 710 руб.
Slovak 570 / 660 руб. 660 / 710 руб.
Slovenian 640 / 710 руб. 680 / 740 руб.
Ukrainian 440 / 480 руб. 480 / 510 руб.
French 350 / 360 руб. 385 / 425 руб.
Czech 570 / 660 руб. 660 / 710 руб.
Estonian 520 / 560 руб. 560 / 640 руб.
SCANDINAVIAN LANGUAGES from / to from / to
Danish 640 / 910 руб. 680 / 740 руб.
Norwegian 640 / 710 руб. 680 / 740 руб.
Finnish 640 / 710 руб. 680 / 740 руб.
Swedish 640 / 710 руб. 680 / 740 руб.
LANGUAGES OF CIS COUNTRIES from / to from / to
Azerbaijani 540 / 610 руб. 600 / 660 руб.
Armenian 540 / 610 руб. 600 / 660 руб.
Belorussian 440 / 480 руб. 480 / 410 руб.
Georgian 540 / 610 руб. 600 / 660 руб.
Ingush 840 / 910 руб. 900 / 980 руб.
Kazakh 520 / 560 руб. 560 / 660 руб.
Turkmen 540 / 610 руб. 600 / 660 руб.
Uzbek 520 / 560 руб. 560 / 640 руб.
EASTERN LANGUAGES from / to from / to
Arab 840 / 910 руб. 900 / 980 руб.
Bashkir 520 / 560 руб. 560 / 640 руб.
Vietnamese 840 / 910 руб. 900 / 980 руб.
Hebrew 840 / 910 руб. 900 / 980 руб.
Kyrgyz 520 / 560 руб. 560 / 640 руб.
Chinese 840 / 910 руб. 900 / 980 руб.
Korean 820 / 910 руб. 900 / 980 руб.
Kurdish 840 / 910 руб. 900 / 980 руб.
Malaysian 840 / 910 руб. 900 / 980 руб.
Mongolian 840 / 910 руб. 900 / 980 руб.
Tajik 540 / 610 руб. 600 / 660 руб.
Tatar 540 / 610 руб. 600 / 660 руб.
Turkish 560 / 640 руб. 660 / 710 руб.
Urdu 840 / 910 руб. 900 / 960 руб.
Farsi 840 / 910 руб. 900 / 980 руб.
Hindi 840 / 910 руб. 900 / 980 руб.
Chechen 840 / 910 руб. 900 / 980 руб.
Japanese 840 / 910 руб. 900 / 920 руб.
AFRICAN LANGUAGES from / to from / to
Dari 840 / 910 руб. 900 / 980 руб.
Swahili 640 / 710 руб. 680 / 740 руб.

Consecutive translation

1 hour

1 day ( 8 hours)


2000 rub.

12000 rub.


2000 rub.

12000 rub.


2000 rub.

12000 rub.


2000 rub.

12000 rub.


2000 rub.

12000 rub.


от 2500 rub.

от 14000 rub.


Simultaneous translation


1 day ( 8 hours)


3500 rub.

25000 rub.


3500 rub.

25000 rub.


3500 rub.

25000 rub.


3500 rub.

25000 rub.


3500 rub.

25000 rub.


от 4000 rub.

от 30000 rub.


Price for 1 document

Certification by company stamp

250 rub.

Notarized translation

650 rub.

Notarized copy (except the charter)

150 rub.

Notarization of a copy of the statute

1500 rub.

Legalization and apostille

4500 rub.

Design and printing

Layout of documents in any format

от 160 rub.

Logo development

15000 rub.

Corporate identity development

5000 rub.

Development of sheet products (leaflet)

2000 rub.

Brochure / Booklet Development

5000 rub.

Courier services

Delivery by courier in Moscow

390 rub.

Delivery by Russian Post in Moscow and Russia. Delivery time up to 2 weeks.


Delivery of printing by courier in Moscow

1000 rub.

How to order

Place an order for translation
Calculate Cost Online

Attach more files

After sending the form, our manager will contact you to confirm the order. So that we can accurately calculate the cost and deadline for your order, please attach the files for translation. We guarantee complete confidentiality!

Our clients

г. Москва, 1-й Люсиновский пер., 3Б,
2 подъезд, 1 этаж, офис 4
+7 (495) 782-46-73