Перевод личных документов в Москве - Бюро переводов

Translation of personal documents

If you need to translate a passport, a birth certificate, a diploma or other personal documents, contact WordPrime. We will provide you with a high-quality translation of documents within the shortest possible time. Our specialists are familiar with all nuances of translation of such documents, rules of their registration and certification.

We accept documents in any form: hand-written, printed or digital. At the request of the client, a translation can be provided both on paper and in Word format or any other document format.

The WordPrime company:

  • carries out translations of standard documents;
  • provides translations certified by the notary;
  • provides translations certified by the company seal;

Why you should order translation of personal documents in WordPrime

WordPrime guarantees:

  • provision of services of highly professional translators;
  • quality of the performed work;
  • confidentiality;
  • competitive prices;
  • adherence to deadlines.

Ordering translation of personal documents in WordPrime, you may count on a successful result regardless of the quality of the original document provided.

How to order

Place an order for translation
Calculate Cost Online

Attach more files

After sending the form, our manager will contact you to confirm the order. So that we can accurately calculate the cost and deadline for your order, please attach the files for translation. We guarantee complete confidentiality!

Our clients

г. Москва, 1-й Люсиновский пер., 3Б,
2 подъезд, 1 этаж, офис 4
+7 (495) 782-46-73